感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由美国各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。1941年,美国国会正式将每年11月第四个星期四定。
感恩节的由来英文介绍如下:Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.In 1620, the settlers,
about half of them died.【加拿大感恩节】加拿大感恩节的庆祝活动是在十月的第二个星期一。与美国人缅怀清教徒先辈定居新大陆的传统不同,加拿大人主要感谢上天给予的成功的收获。加拿大的感恩节早于美国的感恩节,一个简单的。
感恩节的来历英文如下:Thanksgiving Day is an ancient holiday created by the American people,and it is also a holiday for Americans to get together.Therefore,Americans always feel warm when they mention Thanks。
感恩节的由来英文版简介带中文翻译 During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation orepidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. All summer long they waited for the。
感恩节的由来英文介绍如下:A three-day harvest celebration held in 1621 in Plymouth Colony (part of today'sMassachusetts) is generally considered to be the first American Thanksgiving. ThePilgrims had arrived the 。
【感恩节的由来介绍】Thanksgiving Day is the United States and Canada shared Festival, created by the people of the United States, the intention was to thank God given good harvest, thanks to help from the 。
篇一:感恩节的由来英文20字 Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with a feast shared among friends and family. In the United States。篇二:感恩节的由来英文20字 Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in much of。
感恩节来历英文介绍如下:Thanksiving Day is a fstival in Canada and the United States which is poneered by the United Sts Since 1941,the annual Thanksiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November,will leave 。
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