
方法通 135


白切鸡Poached Chicken 杭州卤鸭Braised Duck with Soy Sauce 杭州醉虾Marinated Shrimp with Yellow Wine 桂花糯米藕Honey Lotus Root Stuffed with Glutinous Rice 香菜干丝Shredded Beancurd with Coriander 热菜类:腌笃鲜Double 。


杭州特色菜 翻译成英文是:special dishes from Hangzhou 相关短语学习:special dish 特色菜 [例句]Here's the menu. We have the list of special dishes on the last page of the menu.这是菜单,在菜单的最后一栏,


鱼香肉丝 鱼香肉丝(Yuxiang shredded pork(sauteed in spicy garlic sauce),是一道汉族特色传统名菜,以鱼香味调味而得名,属于川菜。相传灵感来自泡椒肉丝,民国年间则是由四川籍厨师创制而成。鱼香肉丝是一道常见川菜。

3、杭州菜是浙江菜的代表 英语

Zhe Jiang cuisine which consists of Hang Zhou cuisine, Ning Bo cuisine and Shao Xing cuisine is not rich in fat, and is famous for its freshness, softness and delicacy. Hang Zhou cuisine is of the most 。

杭州名菜英语_杭州名菜英语翻译  第1张


金华娃娃菜Stir fry baby cabbage 尖椒牛肉Stir fry beef with hot chili 芦笋炒牛肉Stir fry beef and asparagus 西兰花超鱿鱼Stir fry squid and broccoli 西芹炒腊味Stir fry preserved ham and celery XO酱爆鱿鱼Stir fry squid in。

5、中国8大菜系都有的英语菜单 每个菜系都得有4样 主食、酒水,还有两样菜.

eight regional cuisines:8大菜系 Sichuan cuisine 川菜 ; Guangdong cuisine 粤菜。Zhejiang cuisine 浙菜 Jiangsu/Huaiyang cuisine 淮阳菜系;Anhui cuisine 皖菜, Fujian cuisine 闽菜,Hunan cuisine 湘菜; shandong c。

杭州名菜英语_杭州名菜英语翻译  第2张


还有,现在的西红柿质量不好,炒出来的菜不甜还有些苦味,出锅的时候可以适量放一些白糖。 西红柿炒鸡蛋英文菜谱: The tomato fries the egg Raw material: Egg 3,Tomato 150 grams,Vegetable oil 4 soupspoon,Salt, monosodium 。


浙江菜系由杭州菜,宁波菜,绍兴菜,组成,不油腻,以其菜肴的鲜,柔,滑,香而闻名。杭州菜是这三者中最出名的一个。 湖南菜系 湖南菜系由湘江地区,洞亭湖和湘西的地方菜肴组成。它以其极辣的味道为特色。红辣椒,青辣椒和青葱在这一菜系。

杭州名菜英语_杭州名菜英语翻译  第3张


白灵菇扣鸭掌 Mushrooms with Duck Feet 拌豆腐丝 Shredded Tofu with Sauce 白切鸡 Boiled Chicken with Sauce 拌双耳 Tossed Black and White Fungus 冰梅凉瓜 Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce 冰镇芥兰。


Vegetables in Shandong fasten Flow a parties:BE constitute by benefit south and gum east two part of place tastes Characteristics:the flavor be strong and love a spring onion garlic, with boil a sea power 。