获得第一名:Get the first place.例句:他在近代语言一科中获得第一名。He got a first in Modern Language.相反,二班的杨柳以两秒的优势获得了第一名。Instead, Yang Liu from Class 2 came first by two seconds。
first 得第一 won the gold medal 赢了金牌 问题八:NBA总冠军的英文名是什么? WO郸LD CHAMPION!但那是在冠军锦旗上才那么写的,一般情况下,球员教练记者都是说“win the title”代替赢得总冠军 骗你是小狗~~
6、英语表达“赢了第一名' 多给几种表达方式!
take the first place.win the first prize finish first get the first prize come first win the first place get first be the NO.1 be the champion
他们以领先第二名60分而获得了冠军。如何用英语翻译 They won the championship as a score that 60 pionts hihger than the Second 他赢得了比赛冠军英语怎么说 He won the championship.~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问。(*。
赢得名次 win the place 赢得第一名 win the first place
=come top=“获得第一”Helen came first in the speech competition.海伦在演讲比赛中获得第一名 She won the first prize in the race, which was the greatest news in our class.她在比赛中赢得第一名,是我们班。
take the first place.win the first prize finish first get the first prize come first win the first place get first be the NO.1 be the champion 参考资料:综合